Federal Cross of Merit for Barbara Scharfbillig

Home News Federal Cross of Merit for Barbara Scharfbillig

On December 5, International Volunteer Day, the German Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier honored people who work in an honorary capacity – including Barbara Scharfbillig of the German-Namibian association Suni e.V.

They do “outstanding work for disadvantaged or vulnerable people”, said the president at the award ceremony in Bellevue Palace in Berlin. Eight women and seven men were honored with the Order of Merit, who are committed to helping others on a voluntary basis in very different ways.

The Federal Cross of Merit went to Barbara Scharfbillig: At 27, she founded Suni e.V. She has been active in German-Namibian projects for 20 years. Together with fellow campaigners from both countries, she works to improve the education of children and young people in Namibia and promotes intercultural exchange between young people from Namibia and Germany. She enables German and Namibian educators to implement projects together and thus contribute to a better education in both countries. She is also the director of the German-Namibian art program “Art for Education”.

“This award is a great honor for me and I accept it on behalf of all employees and volunteers at Suni e.V.”, Scharfbillig explained. “I would also like to thank the many supporters and members. Without your commitment, our work would not be possible.”

Barbara Scharfbillig

Further information:
Office of the Federal President of Germany and recording of the award ceremony