Education on development policy in Germany & Education for Sustainable Development

Home Projects Education on development policy in Germany & Education for Sustainable Development

As well as offering two “Global Learning” modules and one workshop, Suni e.V. provides staff members for presentations. All of our speakers are qualified educators who have both lived and worked in Namibia. Suni e.V. also regularly invites teachers from Namibia on study trips to Germany where they have the opportunity to hold presentations at German schools about their work in Namibia. 

The “Namibian English & Namibia’s Language Policy” module introduces students to the diversity of Namibian languages, focussing on the distinctive characteristics of Namibian English as well as Namibian language policy and history. On top of this, the module also highlights differences and similarities in comparison to the students’ own living environment. Available in German and English, the teaching module lasts approx. 120 minutes.

The “Children’s lives in Namibia” module gives German primary school children an insight into the life of a primary school student in Namibia’s Omaheke region. 
The children watch a short film, perform tasks involving a carpet depicting Namibia and Germany and discuss photos showing everyday life in both countries. 
This helps them identify differences and similarities in comparison to their own living environment. At the end, each pupil receives an Omaheke colouring book. 
This teaching module is held in German and lasts approx. 120 minutes.

The “Spotlight on the Education System” workshop is designed with German teachers, educators and other interested parties in mind. 
Taking the Omaheke region as an example, the workshop highlights the strengths of the Namibian education system as well as the challenges it faces.