A hybrid workshop on “Education in Namibia and Germany in times of COVID-19 / New Methods for teaching and best practices” was held in Gobabis, Namibia and Vallendar, Germany from September 9-11.
The topic started with the illumination by two experts: Dr. Patrick Simalumba, Director of the Namibian National Institute for Education gave an expert insight and his “Lessons learned for Namibian education response to Covid-19”. Matthias Dincher from the University of Mainz reported his findings on the study “Teaching in Times of COVID-19: Determinants of Teachers’ Educational Technology Use!” with results from 14 German federal states.
In the second step, practitioners reported on their personal experiences: Teacher Sarah Fleßner, together with a senior student of the Ernst-Reuter-Schule Kooperative Gesamtschule, shed light on the impact of the Corona pandemic on teachers and students and how they dealt with it and its consequences. Vernon Malumani provided insight into the impact on the Nossob Combined School. Henk Olwage and Angelika Eichas presented the handling of the Corona Pandemic and lessons learned from the perspective of management and from the perspective of a teacher at the Light for the Children Foundation.
Lastly, Lisa Niemann, Corinna Ernst, and Barbara Scharfbillig provided insight into potential resources for German and Namibian teachers regarding COVID-19.
A total of 28 people from Namibia, Germany and Spain participated in the hybrid workshop format.
The event was sponsored by the Ministry of the Interior and for Sport / Department of Development Cooperation of the Federal State of Rhineland-Palatinate and by Suni e.V.

Further Information
National Institute for Educational Development
Teaching in Times of COVID-19: Determinants of Teachers’ Educational Technology Use
KGS Pattensen
Light for the Children Foundation